Sweater static electricity how many volts

Can generate 1500 to 35000 volts of static electricity. Common human body charged processes are as follows. (1) people stand up from a chair, or wipe the wall and other processes (the initial charge separation occurs on the outer surface of clothing or other related objects, and then, the body is charged by induction. (2) A person walks on an insulated floor such as a carpet made of high resistivity material (the initial charge separation occurs between the shoe and the floor, and then, for conductive shoes, the body is charged by charge transfer; for insulated shoes, the body is charged by induction). (3) static electricity when taking off the outer layer of clothing. This occurs in the outer layer of clothing and the inner layer of clothing between the contact charged, the body is charged by charge transfer or induction. (4) liquid or powder poured from a container held by a person (the liquid or powder takes away a polar charge and leaves an equivalent amount of anisotropic charge on the human body. (5) Contact with charged materials. As in the case of highly charged powder sampling charged. When there is a continuous charging process, the maximum potential of the human body is limited to approximately 50 kV or less due to charge leakage and discharge.