How to find a knitting sweater processing factory (how to find a knitting factory in Taobao store)

With the improvement of consumers' level, consumers demand not only quality but also characteristics for clothing. If Taobao doesn't think about how to transform, it will be left behind by fashion and personality sooner or later. Making your own personalized brand has become the only way for Taobao store to survive, but you have to find your own brand. The order of Taobao store is very small, so it is particularly difficult to find a suitable factory. Miss Wu, who works as a Taobao store, has encountered such a problem. Miss Wu is a self-employed clothing operator who has opened a women's clothing store on Taobao. Miss Wu said that today's consumers have very high requirements for the personality of online clothing, so many Taobao shopkeepers like me began to find factories to process some clothes with their own characteristics. However, as a Taobao store, it is impossible to have a very large amount of money and can not produce clothes in large quantities, Basically, the garment factories are unwilling to accept our small orders with large quantities. Looking for a factory has always been my biggest headache. In addition, some processing plants feel that individuals are not reliable and there is no guarantee of integrity, which is even more difficult. After that, Miss Wu also tried to find factories online, but many factory information was false, and Miss Wu became more confused and helpless. Is there any other way for customers to find a suitable sweater processing factory? At this time, a friend introduced her to a vertical e-commerce website called jinsingularity clothing order trading platform, saying that there were many sweater processing factories in it, and asked her to try. Miss Wu wants to have a try. Many ways are always good. She registered and released an order for women's T-shirts and vests on the jinsingularity clothing order trading platform, four models, 100 pieces each. Miss Wu said: "I entered the golden singularity with a try attitude. I found that there were quite a lot of factories, including all kinds of factories. I could also search the factories according to my own needs, and some had pictures to show, so that I could have a better understanding of the authenticity and ability of the factories. I tried to send the order information. It was also unintentional, so I didn't think much about it. I posted it two days later When I looked at the internet station, I was surprised. Many factories applied for quotations for my orders. The bidders are users who have passed the real name certification, which greatly increased my confidence. I selected several suitable factories and passed the quotation application. After all aspects of communication, I finally reached a cooperation with a Dalang garment factory. The cooperation was very smooth and pleasant ". Through Miss Wu's personal experience, we found that golden singularity provides us Taobao sellers with a good and convenient channel to find factories, which is much faster than our aimless search on the Internet. Moreover, customers are guaranteed to be true and effective. The factory needs certification before receiving orders, and the salesperson of the platform makes on-site visits. So that our small single customers can cooperate with the factory at ease. If you online shop sellers are still worried about finding a sweater processing factory, you might as well try xinjiejia knitting factory, which may solve the problem for you.