Four dimensions to judge whether a knitted T-shirt customization manufacturer is reliable

There are more garment factories than you can imagine, but for a consumer who doesn't know the production process, it's difficult to see the quality difference. There's no harm without comparison. Today I'll introduce you to a more reliable garment manufacturer. Is it reliable to judge a knitted T-shirt customization manufacturer? The following four points need to be referred to: 1、 Service quality: as a supplier, they are very concerned about their own service quality. It is a necessary weapon for businesses to impress customers with quality, but not every garment factory can provide comprehensive service and win the hearts of the people. This is to negotiate and sign an agreement with the boss of the company to ensure their rights and interests. 2、 Shipping cycle: for a large enterprise, if it wants to customize a batch of knitted T-shirts as its own professional clothes, it must grasp the shipping time very tightly and complete it within the contract period. We can't delay time, but without active garment manufacturers, it may be difficult to complete on schedule. 3、 Product quality: no matter what products are produced, every business cares about this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the quality and time within the specified time. 4、 Order size: for some garment manufacturers, many only accept large orders and turn a blind eye to some small orders, so many business owners are worried. So we must find a reliable garment factory. The above content is a problem that everyone is very worried about, but we don't have to worry about these problems here! We all start with 50 pieces and ship them in 5-7 days to ensure the accurate delivery cycle and the quality of knitted T-shirts.